Berschauer Family

I had the pleasure of meeting this family RIGHT before the pandemic - in fact, they were my LAST shoot before the world shut down. Their sweet little girl was only one then, but she has grown into a little spunky kiddo who called the shots on our shoot his past weekend.

After numerous reschedules due to weather, we finally had a nice day in between the spring snow. We did have to dodge a few muddy spots, but for the most part, Golden Historical park was as beautiful as always!


One of the greatest gifts of being a photographer is repeat clients because I get to watch them grow. I also love repeating the same poses annually so you get a good visual regarding growth with littles. This kiddo still has the sweetest smile, but you can definitely see the “little kid” emerging in the photo on the right versus the toddler on the left. They do grow SO fast! Photography is the teller of the story, we I love telling theirs :)


Over the years, I have learned that children under 5 don’t want to sit still and smile for the camera, so rather than torture the family by forcing a child to do something that will clearly end in sorrow, I just follow the child around as they explore their surroundings. In the end, this is the story of the age they are at and that is why I say that Soulshine Photography likes to focus on the authenticity of the moment.


Martella Family


In my natural habitat!